[TYPES/announce] PSSL 92 - First Announcement

Andrei Akhvlediani anda at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Fri Feb 4 05:26:07 EST 2011

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce that the 92nd Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves 
and Logic (PSSL) will be held in Oxford, UK on the weekend of April 23-24, 

Please let us know asap if you intend to participate and would like to 
give a talk.  If there are more talks than available slots, selection will 
be based on a combination of FCFS and distribution of topics.  

We will send a second announcement with practical information and the conference 
website address in February.

Looking forward to seeing you in Oxford!

Best wishes,

The organisers,

Andrei Akhvlediani, Bob Coecke, Raymond Lal, Roman Priebe
Oxford University Computing Laboratory - Quantum group
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