[TYPES/announce] Call for Tutorials and Workshops: ICTAC 2011 - Theoretical Aspects of Computing

Antonio Cerone antonio at iist.unu.edu
Sun Mar 13 20:13:33 EDT 2011

Call for Tutorial and Workshop Proposals at ICTAC 2011
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing

29-30 August 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa
URL: http://www.ictac.net/ictac2011/

Submission:                     31 March 2011
Notification of acceptance:     11 April 2011


ICTAC 2011 is the 8th International Colloquium on Theoretical
Aspects of Computing, the latest in a series founded by the
International Institute for Software Technology of the United
Nations University (UNU-IIST). ICTAC 2011 will bring together
practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and
government to present research and to exchange ideas and
experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects of
computing and in the exploitation of theory through methods and
tools for system development. The other main purpose is to
promote cooperation in research and education between participants
and their institutions, from developing and industrial countries,
as in the mandate of the United Nations University.


The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:

     * automata theory and formal languages;
     * principles and semantics of programming languages;
     * logics and their applications;
     * software architectures and their description languages;
     * software specification, refinement, verification and testing;
     * model checking and theorem proving;
     * formal techniques in software testing;
     * models of object and component systems;
     * coordination and feature interaction;
     * integration of theories, formal methods and tools fo
       engineering computing systems;
     * service-oriented development;
     * service-oriented architectures: models and development methods;
     * document-driven development;
     * models of concurrency, security, and mobility;
     * theory of parallel, distributed, and grid computing;
     * real-time, embedded and hybrid systems;
     * type and category theory in computer science;
     * models for learning and education;
     * cognitive architectures;
     * qualitative reasoning;
     * case studies, theories, tools and experiments of verified systems;
     * domain-specific modeling and technology: examples, frameworks
       and experience.


     * Jayadev Misra
     * David Parnas
     * Willem Visser


Tutorials and Workshops are hosted by the University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa at its Braamfontein

The university is a leading learning institute on the continent
and is in close proximity to a number of hotels and provides an
established facility to hold the tutorial portion of the event.

The Colloquium will be held at a game lodge two hours drive
outside Johannesburg with facilities to experience the
wilderness at first hand while attending ICTAC.


You are welcome to submit proposals for tutorials and workshops
on the subjects related to the colloquium topics.

TUTORIAL proposal submissions:
It should include detailed description of tutorial contents,
time duration (half/one day), intended audience, biography of
presenter(s) and extended abstract not exceeding 5 pages.
Extended abstracts of the accepted tutorials will be included
in the proceedings of the ICTAC 2012 colloquium to be published
in the LNCS series by Springer.

WORKSHOP proposal submissions:
It should include detailed description of background and aims,
duration (one or two days), intended audience, estimated number
of participants, proceedings publication policy, biography of
the organiser(s), information on perspective keynote speakers,
provisional budget for additional expenses to be factored in
the workshop fee (e.g. keynote speakers, printing, social event).
Standard workshop fee will cover lunches, refreshments, room and

All proposals should be written in English and should not exceed
10 pages.

Proposal submissions should be sent to: ictac2011 at iist.unu.edu


Submission:                     31 March 2011
Notification of acceptance:     11 April 2011
ICTAC 2011 Workshops:           29-30 August 2011


Submission:                     5 June 2011
Notification of acceptance:     24 June 2011
ICTAC 2011 Tutorials:           29-30 August 2011


     * Antonio Cerone, Macau SAR China
     * Coenraad Labuschagne, South Africa
     * Pekka Pihlajasaari, South Africa
     * David Sherwell, South Africa
     * Clint van Alten, South Africa


     * John Fitzgerald, UK
     * Martin Leucker, Germany
     * Liu Zhiming, Macau SAR China
     * Tobias Nipkow, Germany
     * Augusto Sampaio, Brazil
     * Natarajan Shankar, USA
     * Jim Woodcock, UK

Antonio Cerone
Research Fellow
UNU-IIST, Macau SAR China

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