[TYPES/announce] Postdoc position in proof theory in Paris

Lutz Strassburger lutz at lix.polytechnique.fr
Sun Apr 24 21:50:22 EDT 2011

Postdoc position in proof theory in Paris

There is an opening of a postdoc position on structural and
computational proof theory. The position is financed by
the ANR within the project STRUCTURAL

The postdoc will be hosted by the Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX) at
the Ecole Polytechnique, one of the "Grand Ecoles" in the French
university system, located in the suburbs of Paris.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent in computer science or
mathematics, and should have a strong background in proof theory
and related topics. The principal responsibility of the postdoc
will be to carry out research in the area of proof theory within the
project STRUCTURAL. There are no teaching duties.

For further information, see

or contact
   Lutz Strassburger <lutz at lix.polytechnique.fr>
   Kaustuv Chaudhuri <kaustuv.chaudhuri at inria.fr>

Applications should be sent via email to Lutz Strassburger
<lutz at lix.polytechnique.fr> and Kaustuv Chaudhuri
<kaustuv.chaudhuri at inria.fr>, and should include a CV, a research
statement (1-2 pages), and two recommendation letters. The application
deadline is

*** May 20, 2011 ***

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