[TYPES/announce] SBLP 2011 - Final call for participation

Christiano Braga cbraga at ic.uff.br
Wed Sep 14 11:11:31 EDT 2011

[Apologies for multiple copies of this call.]

SBLP 2011: Call For Participation

15th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages

Sao Paulo, Brazil
September 29-30, 2011

*** Registration ***


The 15th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, SBLP 2011, will
be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between September 26th and 30th,
2011. SBLP provides a venue for researchers and practitioners
interested in the fundamental principles and innovations in the design
and implementation of programming languages and systems.

The symposium will be part of the 2nd Brazilian Conference on
Software: Theory and Practice, CBSoft 2011,
http://www.each.usp.br/cbsoft2011/, which will host four
well-established Brazilan symposia:

* XXV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)
* XV Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP)
* XIV Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF)
* V Brazilian Symposium on Components, Software Architecture and
Software Reuse (SBCARS)


* Jose Luis Fiadeiro, Univ. of Leicester: "Service-oriented computing
as a paradigm for programming dynamically reconfigurable software"

* Gary T. Leavens, Univ. of Central Florida: "Ptolemy: Taming Aspects
with Explicit Event Announcement and Greybox Specifications"


"From Regular Expressions to PEGs" Sérgio Medeiros (Universidade
Federal de Sergipe); Fabio Mascarenhas (Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro); Roberto Ierusalimschy (PUC-Rio)

"The Design and Implementation of a Non-Iterative Range Analysis
Algorithm on a Production Compiler" Douglas Teixeira, Fernando Pereira
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

"Controlling the scope of instances in Haskell" Marco Silva, Carlos
Camarão (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

"Functional Fixpoint Evaluators for Partially Circular Attribute
Grammars" Juan F. Cardona-Mccormick (Universidad EAFIT, Colombia),
Doaitse S. Swierstra (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands);
Francisco J. Correa-Zabala (Universidad EAFIT, Colombia)

"Parsing Expression Grammars for Structured Data" Fabio Mascarenhas
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro); Sérgio Medeiros
(Universidade Federal de Sergipe); Roberto Ierusalimschy (PUC-Rio)

"First Class Overloading via Intersection Type Parameters" Elton
Cardoso, Carlos Camarão (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais);
Lucilia Figueiredo (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto)

"Making aspect-oriented refactoring safer" Gustavo Soares, Diego
Cavalcanti, Rohit Gheyi (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande)

"The Denotational, Operational, and Static, Semantics of a
Domain-Specific Language for the Design of Flow Networks" Assaf Kfoury
(Boston University, USA)

"On the Use of Feature-Oriented Programming for Evolving Software
Product Lines – A Comparative Study" Gabriel Ferreira, Felipe Gaia
(Universidade Federal de Uberlândia); Eduardo Figueiredo (Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais); Marcelo Maia (Universidade Federal de

"Staged Concurrency in Lua - Introducing Leda" Tiago L. Salmito, Noemi
Rodriguez, Ana Lúcia Moura (PUC-Rio)

"Modular Contracts with Procedures, Annotations, Pointcuts and Advice"
Henrique Rebêlo, Ricardo Massa Ferreira Lima (Universidade Federal do
Pernambuco); Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida, USA)

"An Experimental Evaluation of Compiler Optimizations on Code Size"
Juliano Foleiss, Anderson Faustino Da Silva, Linnyer Beatryz Ruiz
(Universidade Estadual de Maringá)


"How do programmers use Concurrency? An Investigation of a Large-Scale
Java Open Source Code Repository" Benito Fernades, Weslley Torres,
João Paulo Dos Santos Oliveira, Filipe Ximenes, Fernando Castor
(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)

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