[TYPES/announce] ECOOP 2012 Call for Workshops

Tao Xie xie at csc.ncsu.edu
Sun Oct 2 23:34:42 EDT 2011

ECOOP 2012 Call for Workshops


ECOOP 2012 will host an exciting array of workshops that address a variety of
topics in object-oriented technology. A workshop is a forum for exchanging
ideas and theories that are still in an evolutionary stage. Typically, a
workshop will either address a focused topic in depth or explore connections
between object-oriented technologies and other areas of interest. ECOOP 2012
invites proposals for workshops lasting one or two days.

ECOOP 2012 workshops will be held 11¨C13 June, 2012.


A workshop proposal should include the following information:

- Name of the workshop
- Duration of the workshop (half-day, full-day, multi-day)
- An abstract: 150-200 words describing the workshop, suitable for the ECOOP
  Web site
- A preliminary Call For Workshop Papers describing the workshop's focus and
  its main topics
- A summary of the workshop format: e.g., refereed papers, and/or short
  papers, and/or invited talks, and/or problem solving, and/or brainstorming
  sessions. How will papers or other submissions be reviewed?
- A description of how the workshop papers and results will be published or
  otherwise disseminated (see the "Dissemination of Workshop Results" section
- References to previous editions of the workshop (if any) including
  information about the number of participants
- About each organizer:
  + Name, affiliation, and contact information
  + Primary contact: identify one organizer as the primary contact
  + A brief biography (up to 200 words), focusing on the organizer's expertise
    in the field and experience as a workshop organizer
  + Any special requirements that the workshop may have

Proposal Submission and Review

Workshop proposals should be submitted by email to the ECOOP 2012 workshop
organizers, Adam Welc and Patrick Eugster, at ecoop12-workshops at cs.purdue.edu.

Proposals will be reviewed by the ECOOP 2012 workshop organizers as they
arrive.  Notification for a given proposal will be sent two weeks after its
submission.  Therefore, proposal acceptance will be on a first-come,
first-served basis.  The number of accepted proposals will be limited by the
availability of the conference rooms.  Each proposal will be evaluated
according to the value and relevance of its workshop topic, the expertise and
experience of the workshop organizers, and the potential of the proposed
workshop to attract participants and generate useful results.

Dissemination of Workshop Results

A proposal should clearly state how the results of the workshop, that is the
papers and other outcomes, will be made available to participants and others,
both before and after the workshop event. The ECOOP 2012 workshop organizers
will provide guidance to the organizers of accepted workshops that wish to
publish proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.


For additional information about this Call for Workshops, please contact the
ECOOP 2012 workshop organizers, Adam Welc and Patrick Eugster, at
ecoop12-workshops at cs.purdue.edu.
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