[TYPES/announce] PLPV 2012: Call for participation

Nikhil Swamy nswamy at microsoft.com
Thu Dec 1 23:41:19 EST 2011

Call for Participation

                              PLPV 2012
                     The Sixth ACM SIGPLAN Workshop 
            Programming Languages meets Program Verification 

24th January, 2012
Philadelphia, USA
(Affiliated with POPL 2012)
You are cordially invited to PLPV 2012.  

The goal of PLPV is to foster and stimulate research at the
intersection of programming languages and program verification, by
bringing together experts from diverse areas like types, contracts,
interactive theorem proving, model checking and program analysis. Work
in this area typically attempts to reduce the burden of program
verification by taking advantage of particular semantic or structural
properties of the programming language. Examples include dependently
typed programming languages, which leverage a language's type system
to specify and check richer than usual specifications or extended
static checking systems which incorporate contracts with either static
or dynamic contract checking.

To register for PLPV 2012, please follow the instructions at:


The early registration deadline is December 24, 2011. 

Hotel Information

PLPV will be co-located with POPL at the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel
in Philadelphia.  Please visit POPL's web site to make reservations at
the special conference rate.


Session 1: 9:00am-10:00am
        LTL types FRP: Linear-time Temporal Logic Propositions as Types,
        Proofs as Functional Reactive Programs
        Alan Jeffrey 

        A Hoare Calculus for the Verification of Synchronous Languages
        Manuel Gesell and Klaus Schneider 

Session 2: 10:30am-12:00pm
        Invited talk: Could We Verify an Information-flow Computer?
        Benjamin C. Pierce 
        University of Pennsylvania 

Lunch: 12:00pm-2:00pm (not provided)

Session 3: 2:00pm-3:30pm
        Reflexive Toolbox for Regular Expression Matching
        Vladimir Komendantsky 

        Formal Network Packet Processing with Minimal Fuss: Invertible Syntax Descriptions at Work
        Reynald Affeldt, David Nowak and Yutaka Oiwa 

        The VerCors project - setting up basecamp
        Afshin Amighi, Stefan Blom, Marieke Huisman and Marina Zaharieva-Stojanovski
Session 4: 4:00pm-5:00pm
        Dependent Interoperability
        Peter-Michael Osera, Vilhelm Sjoberg and Steve Zdancewic. 

        Equational Reasoning about Programs with General Recursion and Call-by-value Semantics
        Garrin Kimmell, Aaron Stump, Harley Eades, Peng Fu, Tim Sheard, Stephanie Weirich, 
        Chris Casinghino, Vilhelm Sjoberg, Nathan Collins and Ki Yung Ahn

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