[TYPES/announce] HAS2012: Hybrid Autonomous Systems Workshop

Manuela Bujorianu Manuela.Bujorianu at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Jan 26 16:22:11 EST 2012

HAS2012: Hybrid Autonomous Systems Workshop

* Aplogies for the inherent multiple postings!

The second edition of the workshop on hybrid autonomous systems
Tallinn, Estonia, 31st of March
Satellite event of ETAPS 2012
1 tutorial and 8 lectures

http: http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/Manuela.Bujorianu/HAS2012.htm

Early regstration: 29 January 2012
Registration fee: 30 euro
On-line registration is available at:


Manuela Bujorianu (University of Manchester, UK)
Emilio Frazzoli (MIT, US)
Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen, DE)

Pieter Mosterman  (MathWorks, US and McGill University, CA)
    Analyzing Execution Semantics of High-level Formalisms for Modelling Hybrid Dynamic Systems


Luca Bortolussi (University of Trieste, IT)
    Hybrid Behaviour of Continuous Time Markov Chains

Louise Dennis (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Verifying Reasoning within Agent-based Hybrid Control Systems

Martin Fraenzle (Oldenburg University, DE)
    Towards a formal basis of robust behaviour

Holger Hermanns (University of Saarlandes, DE)
    Wireless Hard Real-Time. Probably Provable

Mike Hinchey (LERO and NASA, IE)
    The Challenge of Developing Autonomic Space-exploration Systems

Peter Marwedel (University of Dortmund, DE)
    Efficient Computing in Cyber-Physical Systems

Giordano Pola (University of L’Aquila, IT)
    Arenas of Finite State Machines and their application to the Modelling and
    Analysis of Air Traffic Management Systems

Cristina Seceleanu (Malardalen University, SE)
    A Resource-Aware Framework for Embedded System Design and Its Extension Towards Adaptivity

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