[TYPES/announce] PostDoc or permanent hire position for Quantum programming language/compiler research

Richard Lazarus rlazarus at bbn.com
Fri Jan 27 16:09:31 EST 2012

BBN is looking for candidates with expertise in programming language 
design, compiler design, and quantum information science. This position 
can be as a funded post-doc or as a permanent hire. We are conducting 
research in the area of quantum programming languages, quantum compilers 
and circuit optimization. This work focuses on designing a high-level 
functional programming language to describe quantum algorithms (both 
quantum and classical), and this language would have to be "quantum 
safe," in the sense that it should not allow for any non-physical 
quantum operations to be described. This work could include implementing 
compiler operations such as symbolic optimization of the algorithm 
implementation, synthesis to quantum circuits, optimization of quantum 
circuits, and GUIs to support the programmer. In addition, the candidate 
would preferably have interest and expertise in one or more other 
quantum information theory topics -- including quantum process 
tomography, quantum communication, quantum estimation, and algorithms -- 
or in other exotic language/compiler systems such as those for synthetic 
biology. Our recent publications (www.bbn.com/technology/quantum/pubs) 
provide an indication of the impact of our work on the field of quantum 
information science.

View the full position description here: 

Richard Lazarus
Disruptive Information Processing Technologies
Raytheon BBN Technologies
10 Moulton St., Cambridge, MA 02138

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