[TYPES/announce] Postdoc position in Software Security/Programming Languages/Compilers at the University of Arizona

Christian Collberg collberg at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 17:11:01 EST 2012

A Postdoc position in the area of Software Security
is available at the University of Arizona. A successful candidate
should have a technical background in one or more of computer
security, cryptography, and programming languages/compilers.

**Call for applications**
Expected funding duration: 24 Months
Starting date: July 1

**Project description**
This project aims to investigate innovative approaches to protecting
the integrity and confidentiality of a piece of software against an
attacker (the man-at-the-end, MATE) who has physical access to the
software and so is able to inspect, modify, and execute it. One
important goal of the project is to derive a fundamental basis of MATE
defense principles and metrics.

**Key tasks to be performed**
Develop MATE attack models that formally characterize the process of
device compromise. Design novel MATE defense algorithms. Provide
attack tools to allow easy testing of these defenses. Devise community
standards for defense evaluation. Investigate different approaches to
constructing and validating metrics for obfuscation, tamper-proofing,
and software watermarking.

**Applicant profile**
The applicant must have a PhD in Computer Science or other strongly
related field. A successful candidate should have a technical
background in one or more of computer security, cryptography, and
programming languages/compilers.

The work will be carried out at the University of Arizona, under the
supervision of a team of researchers from the Computer Science and
Electrical and Computer Engineering departments.

For further information, send your CV to Christian Collberg, collberg at gmail.com.
To formally apply for this position, visit https://www.uacareertrack.com,
position number 48560.

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