[TYPES/announce] Milner Symposium - early registration - student support

Gordon Plotkin gdp at inf.ed.ac.uk
Fri Mar 9 11:24:33 EST 2012

We would like to remind you that early registration closes
on Thursday 15 March 2012, after which the registration fee rises
from £60 to £90.

We are also pleased to say that some funds are available to support
students attending the event. If you wish to apply for this, please DO
NOT register via the web, but write to
milner-symposium-students at inf.ed.ac.uk
giving details of your student status, and the email address of your
PhD supervisor.

Otherwise, please register at

 A Symposium in Celebration of the Life and Work of Robin Milner

to be held from 15th-18th April 2012 in Edinburgh.

The symposium will feature Robin's colleagues from all areas of his work, as
well as others participating in its continuation. Robin's inspiring
contributions continue to have a profound effect on computer science,
and the symposium will show how his vision has developed our subject over
the last few decades, and how new work continues to build on his many

All are welcome to attend this event, whether to hear the thoughts
of leading figures in computer science, or simply to re-make the many
connections that Robin brought into being, through his broad research agenda
and his kindness to all who worked with or near him.

The symposium will be hosted by the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer
Science in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.

The Symposium proper runs from 16th to 18th April, and is preceded in
the evening of Sunday 15th by a reception to mark 25 years of LFCS,
and a Ph.D. student career guidance panel.

Date: 15-18 April 2012

Place: Informatics Forum, Edinburgh

Web: http://events.inf.ed.ac.uk/Milner2012/

Poster: http://events.inf.ed.ac.uk/Milner2012/baposter/poster.pdf

Email: milner-symposium at inf.ed.ac.uk
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