[TYPES/announce] CFP: MoRe4CPS (deadline April 16th) - First Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning for Cyber-Physical Systems

Thomas Hildebrandt hilde at itu.dk
Tue Mar 20 04:38:28 EDT 2012

Call for Papers - Call for Papers - Call for Papers - Call for Papers - 
Call for Papers

First Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning for Cyber-Physical Systems 

Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, July 3rd

Co-located with the 8^th European Conference on Modelling Foundations 
and Applications (ECMFA-2012), July 2-5

Deadline for submissions: April 16th, 2012
Notification: May 14th, 2012
Final Version: June 3rd, 2012

Cyber-physical systems are large-scale distributed systems, often viewed 
as networked embedded systems, where a large number of computational 
components are deployed in a physical environment. Each component 
collects information about and offers services to its environment. This 
information is processed either at the component, in the network or at a 
remote location, or in any combination of these.

This workshop aims at connecting researchers working on mathematically 
well-founded and coherent models, methods, and tools that may serve as 
the foundation of a model-driven design methodology for cyber-physical 
systems. This means that design decisions, analysis, simulation, 
testing, code generation, etc. are always based upon models that reflect 
the relevant aspects of the design. This requires methods to maintain, 
manipulate, analyse and transform models in a coherent and meaningful way.

All papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published 
as a pre-proceeding appearing as a technical report and archived at CEUR 
(http://ceur-ws.org/). Selected papers will be invited to submission for 
subsequent publication in a journal (to be negotiated).

Two kinds of papers can be submitted:

 1. full papers up to 12 pages in easychair format presenting previously
    unpublished work
 2. short papers (2-3) pages in easychair format presenting work in
    progress, abstract of previously published work or overview of
    research programmes (position paper)

Papers should be submitted via Easychair 

  Topics of interest (in no particular order) include:

  * adaptivity
  * hybrid systems
  * embedded systems
  * distributed execution
  * spatial computation
  * declarative modelling
  * logics and logical frameworks
  * categorical models
  * event-based systems and models
  * context-awareness
  * pervasive computing
  * systems biology
  * healthcare systems
  * process calculi
  * static analysis
  * type systems
  * model checking
  * refinement
  * temporal properties with preferences
  * security
  * fractionated software

Programme Committee:

  * Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg-Harburg
  * Thomas Hildebrandt (chair, organizer), IT University of Copenhagen
  * Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford University
  * Flemming Nielson (organizer), Danish Technical University
  * Paulo Tabuada, University of California at Los Angeles
  * Mark-Oliver Stehr, SRI International
  * Huibiao Zhu, East China Normal University

Travel, accommodation and registration information is available on the 
main ECMFA 2012 <http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/conferences/ECMFA-2012> site 

Papers will only be published if at least one of its authors has 
registered for the workshop or for ECMFA as a whole by the time the 
final versions of papers are due.
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