[TYPES/announce] PLDI 2012: Student travel grants available

Matthew Might might at cs.utah.edu
Tue Apr 3 10:11:58 EDT 2012

Student travel grants are available for PLDI 2012, and the organizers remind and encourage students to apply for them.

* Dates: 11–16 June

* Location: Beijing

* Co-located events

PLDI - Programming Language Design and Implementation 
ECOOP - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
ISMM - International Symposium on Memory Management
LCTES - Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems
Asia-Pacific Programming Languages and Compilers Workshop

* Web site: http://pldi12.cs.purdue.edu

* Invited speakers

 Ole Agesen (VMWare)
 Doug Lea  (SUNY)
 Amer Diwan (Google)
 Martin Odersky (EPFL)
 Tobias Wrigstad (Uppsala)
 Gernot Heiser (NICTA)
 Nicolas Halbwachs (VERIMAG)
 Rob O'Callahan (Mozilla)

These conferences and workshop are a forum where researchers, developers, educators, and practitioners exchange information on the latest practical and experimental work in the design and implementation of programming languages, object technology, memory systems, and embedded tools and compilers. 

* Travel grant information

 Apply:      http://pldi12.cs.purdue.edu/content/students

 Volunteer:  http://ecoop12.cs.purdue.edu/content/call-student-volunteers
 (Deadline 15 April)

 Register:   http://pldi12.cs.purdue.edu/content/registration

 Facebook:   http://www.facebook.com/events/221514727865075/

 Travel:     http://www.facebook.com/events/314574741939037/

 ECOOP PhD Symposium:

 PLDI Student Research Competition:

On behalf of the PLDI 2012 organizers,

Matt Might

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