[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: Tests and Proofs (TAP 2012) in Prague

Achim D. Brucker brucker at spamfence.net
Tue Apr 10 11:00:02 EDT 2012

Apologies for duplicates.


                          CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                 TESTS and PROOFS 2012 (TOOLS EUROPE 2012)
           6th International Conference on Tests & Proofs
                May 31 - June 1, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic

                             Co-located with:
                ICMT 2012, SC 2012, MSEPT 2012 as part of TOOLS 2012:


The TAP conference is devoted to the convergence of
proofs and tests. It combines ideas from both sides for the
advancement of software quality.

Keynote Speakers
 * Andreas Kuehlmann <http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/%7Ekuehl/>, Coverity
   The Technology and Psychology of Testing Your Code as You Develop It
 * Corina Pasareanu <http://ti.arc.nasa.gov/profile/pcorina/>, NASA
   Ames Research Center
   Combining Model Checking and Symbolic Execution for Software Testing
 * Mehdi Jazayeri, University of Lugano.
   Software Composition: Why, what, and how

Early registration, at a reduced price, will be open
until 25 April 2012.

Conference Chair
   Bertrand Meyer, ETH Zurich, Eiffel Software, and ITMO

Program Chairs
   Achim D. Brucker, SAP Research, Germany
   Jacques Julliand, University of Franche-Comté

Local Organization
   Pavel Tvrdik, CTU Prague
   Michal Valenta, CTU Prague
   Jindra Vojikova, CTU Prague
   Jan Chrastina, CTU Prague  


Thursday 31th May, 09:00-10:30: Invited Talk

  * Andreas Kuehlmann, Coverity:
    The Technology and Psychology of Testing Your Code as You Develop It

Thursday, 11:00-13:00: Paper session Model-Based Testing

  * Malte Lochau, Ina Schaefer, Jochen Kamischke and Sascha Lity.
    Incremental Model-based Testing of Delta-oriented Software Product Lines
  * Hernan Ponce De Leon, Stefan Haar and Delphine Longuet.
    Conformance Relations for Labeled Event Structures
  * Joseph Kiniry, Daniel M. Zimmerman and Ralph Hyland.
    Testing Library Specifications by Verifying Conformance Tests
  * Chedor Sebastien, Thierry J?ron and Morvan Christophe.
    Test generation from recursive tiles systems

Thursday, 14:30-15:30: Paper session Scenario and UML-Based Testing

  * Nadia Creignou, Uwe Egly and Martina Seidl.
    A Framework for the Specification of Random SAT and QSAT Formulas
  * Jens Brüning, Martin Gogolla, Lars Hamann and Mirco Kuhlmann.
    Evaluating and Debugging OCL Expressions in UML Models
  * Uwe Egly, Sebastian Gabmeyer, Martina Seidl, Hans Tompits, ....
    Towards Scenario-Based Testing of UML Diagrams

Thursday, 16:00-17:00: Tutorial

  * Nikolay Kosmatov, Nicky Williams.
    Automated Structural Testing with PathCrawler

Friday 1st June, 09:00-10:30: Invited Talk of SC

  * Mehdi Jazayeri, University of Lugano.
    Software Composition: Why, what, and how

Friday 11:00-13:00: Invited Talk of TAP

  * Corina Pasareanu. NASA.
    Combining Model Checking and Symbolic Execution for Software Testing

Friday, 14:30-15:30: Paper session Test and Model-checking

  * Martin Sulzmann and Axel Zechner
    Constructive Finite Trace Analysis with Linear Temporal Logic
  * Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone, Giancarlo Pellegrino, Alessio Merlo
    and Davide Balzarotti.
    From Model-checking to Automated Testing of Security Protocols: Bridging
    the Gap

Friday, 16:00-17:30: Paper session Test of Complex Data Structures

  * Valerio Senni and Fabio Fioravanti.
    Generation of test data structures using Constraint Logic Programming
  * Valeria Bengolea, Nazareno Aguirre, Darko Marinov and Marcelo Frias.
    Coverage Criteria on RepOK to Reduce Bounded Exhaustive Test Suites
  * Matthieu Carlier, Catherine Dubois and Arnaud Gotlieb.
    A first step in the design of a formally verified constraint-based testing
    tool: FocalTest

Dr. Achim D. Brucker, SAP Research, Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1, D-76131 Karlsruhe
             Phone: +49 6227 7-52595, http://www.brucker.ch

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