[TYPES/announce] PLAS 2012: Call for participation

Sergio Maffeis maffeis at doc.ic.ac.uk
Sat Apr 21 05:06:12 EDT 2012


                        Call for Participation

                    Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
            Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
                             (PLAS 2012)

                            June 15, 2012
             Co-located with PLDI 2012, Beijing, China



PLAS aims to provide a forum for exploring and evaluating ideas on the
use of programming language and program analysis techniques to improve
the security of software systems. Strongly encouraged are proposals of
new, speculative ideas, evaluations of new or known techniques in
practical settings, and discussions of emerging threats and important

The scope of PLAS includes but is not limited to:

* Compiler-based security mechanisms or runtime-based security
   mechanisms such as inline reference monitors
* Program analysis techniques for discovering security vulnerabilities
* Automated introduction and/or verification of security enforcement
* Language-based verification of security properties in software
   including verification of cryptographic protocols and algorithms
* Specifying and enforcing security policies for information flow and
   access control
* Model-driven approaches to security
* Security concerns for web programming languages
* Language design for security in new domains such as cloud computing
   and embedded platforms
* Applications, case studies, and implementations of these techniques


Early registration:     May 1, 2012.
PLAS 2010 workshop:   June 15, 2012.


Thanks to our sponsors, we are offering some travel grants to student
attendees of PLAS. Precedence will be given to applicants from
developing contries or authors of accepted papers. The application is
handled by the PLDI travel grants system:


Invited speaker:

* Andrew Myers (Cornell University).

Regular papers:

* Security-Policy Monitoring and Enforcement with JavaMOP. Soha
   Hussein, Patrick Meredith and Grigore Rosu.
* Development of secured systems by mixing programs, specifications and
   proofs in an object-oriented programming environment. Damien Doligez,
   Mathieu Jaume and Renaud Rioboo.
* Hash-Flow Taint Analysis of Higher-Order Programs. Shuying Liang and
   Matthew Might.
* Typing Illegal Information Flows as Program Effects. Ana Almeida
   Matos and José Fragoso Santos.
* Towards a Taint Mode for Cloud Computing Web Applications. Luciano
   Bello and Alejandro Russo.
* Knowledge-Oriented Secure Multiparty Computation. Piotr Mardziel,
   Michael Hicks, Jonathan Katz and Mudhakar Srivatsa.

Position papers:

* Security Correctness for Secure Nested Transactions. Dominic Duggan
   and Ye Wu.
* A generic approach for security policies composition. Alejandro
   Hernandez and Flemming Nielson.
* Static Flow-Sensitive & Context-Sensitive Information-flow Analysis
   for Software Product Lines. Eric Bodden.


Sruthi Bandhakavi (Google Inc.)
Avik Chaudhuri    (Adobe Systems)
Stephen Chong     (Harvard University)
Yuxin Deng        (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Feng Dengguo      (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Marieke Huisman   (University of Twente)
Sergio Maffeis    (Imperial College London)     [co-chair]
Prasad Naldurg    (Microsoft Research India)
Marco Pistoia     (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Tamara Rezk       (INRIA)                       [co-chair]
David Sands       (Chalmers University)
Zhong Shao        (Yale University)

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