[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation: HOR'12, Nagoya

Makoto Hamana hamana at cs.gunma-u.ac.jp
Wed May 9 08:45:41 EDT 2012

                        Call for Participation
          6th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting

                                HOR 2012

                       June 2, 2012, Nagoya, Japan
                          Colocated with RTA'12

HOR is a forum to present work concerning all aspects of higher-order
rewriting. The aim is to provide an informal and friendly setting to discuss
recent work and work in progress concerning higher-order rewriting.

Invited speaker
* Zhenjiang Hu (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
  Can Graph Transformation be Bidirectionalized? 
  -- Bidirectional Semantics of Structural Recursion on Graphs --

Special Session: Current Status of Higher-Order Termination Tools
* Carsten Fuhs: Haskell termination tool
* Rene Thiemann: Isabelle termination tool
* Aoto,Yamada: Simply-typed TRS termination tool
* Cynthia Kop: WANDA, termination tool for AFS 

Accepted papers
* Beniamino Accattoli and Delia Kesner: The permutative lambda-calculus
  (The original paper was presented at LPAR'12, LNCS 7180, pp.381-395)

* Thibaut Balabonski: A Unified Approach to Fully Lazy Sharing
  (The original paper was presented at POPL'12, pp.233-246) 

* Yuki Chiba and Takahito Aoto: Pattern Matching Algorithm for Higher Order Program Transformations
* Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Jian-Qi Li: Termination of higher-order rewriting in dependent type calculi
* Vincent van Oostrom: Confluence via Critical Valleys
* Kristoffer Rose: Higher Order Rewriting for Real Programmers 

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