[TYPES/announce] Japanese translation of Software Foundations

Benjamin C. Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Tue May 22 09:13:47 EDT 2012

Friends and colleagues,

As many of you know, Software Foundations (http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/sf/) is a electronic textbook introducing functional programming, Coq proof development, and the theory of programming languages, written entirely in Coq.  It has been developed over the past five years by a large group of contributors and is widely used for both teaching and self-study.

Today, I am delighted to announce that, thanks to a dedicated team of translators, Software Foundations can now be read in Japanese!  


Many thanks to the translation team for this effort!

  - Akihiro Umemura
  - Koji Katayama
  - Hiroki Mizuno
  - Daichi Oohashi
  - Moe Masuko
  - Yoshihiro Imai

Share and enjoy,

    - Benjamin

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