[TYPES/announce] Summer School VTSA 2012

Stephan Merz Stephan.Merz at loria.fr
Thu Jul 5 15:41:49 EDT 2012

Some of the courses at this summer school should be of interest to readers of the TYPES mailing list. Apologies for multiple copies.

Best regards,

Stephan Merz

VTSA 2012 - Summer School on Verification Technology, Systems & Applications 
          Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken, Germany 
                          September 03-07, 2012 
                         Call for Participation 

The summer school on verification technology, systems and applications 
happens this year at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. 
The school will take place from September 3rd to 7th, 2012. 

The following speakers have accepted to give courses: 

- Armin Biere: Understanding Modern SAT Solvers 

- Jürgen Giesl: Automated Termination Analysis 

- David Monniaux: Abstract Interpretation 

- Ahmed Bouajjani: Verification of Concurrent Programs under Weak Memory Models 

- Carsten Schürmann: Logical Frameworks - The Art of Representation 

Participation is free (except for travel and accommodation costs) and 
open to anybody holding at least a Bachelor degree (or equivalent) in 
computer science. The number of participants is limited. Please apply 
electronically by *July 20th, 2012* by sending 

- a one-page CV, 
- an application letter explaining your interest in the school and 
 your experience in the area, 
- a copy of your bachelor certificate (or equivalent or higher) 

to lamotte at mpi-inf.mpg.de 

For details please see the Web page of the school. 

General Organization: 
- Bernard Boigelot (boigelot at montefiore.ulg.ac.be) 
- Stephan Merz (Stephan.Merz at loria.fr) 
- Jun Pang (jun.pang at uni.lu) 
- Christoph Weidenbach (weidenbach at mpi-inf.mpg.de) 

Local Organization 
- Manuel Lamotte-Schubert (lamotte at mpi-inf.mpg.de) 
- Jennifer Müller (jmueller at mpi-inf.mpg.de)

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