[TYPES/announce] PhD positions in Computer Science at IMT Lucca (Italy) - Deadline September 26, 2012

Alberto Lluch Lafuente albertolluch at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 06:27:41 EDT 2012

(Apologies for multiple posting)

The Institute for Advanced Studies IMT Lucca - Italy (
http://www.imtlucca.it/) announces 36 PhD scholarships providing about
€13,600 EUR gross yearly plus accommodation and full board. Deadline for
application is September 26, 2012.

IMT Lucca (Italy) is an Institute for Advanced Studies and an International
Graduate School that acts as a research university with the aim of forming
human capital in disciplines characterized by their high potential for
concrete application. IMT strives to reach the fusion of theoretical
comprehension and practical relevance.

PhD programs are taught exclusively in English. The PhD Program includes a
Track in Computer, Decision and Systems Science with a specific Curriculum
in Computer Science. The track is coordinated by Rocco De Nicola and aims
at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge of the
theoretical foundations of computer science and informatics, control
systems and optimization, image analysis, and management science.

The curriculum in Computer Science focuses on languages, models,
algorithms, and verification methods for modern distributed systems. PhD
students following the curriculum in Computer Science will perform their
activities in collaboration with the SysMA research unit (
http://sysma.lab.imtlucca.it/) on system modelling and analysis. This
research unit focuses on formal languages, models, methodologies and tools
to support the development of correct software systems with high quality in
terms of predictability, security, efficiency, usability, re-usability,
maintainability, and modularity.

We hope that you might consider applying


If you are not personally interested, please help us signaling these
opportunities to colleagues and collaborators. For further information
please contact the sender of this mail.

Alberto Lluch Lafuente
Assistant Professor @ IMT Lucca
albertolluch at gmail.com; alberto.lluch at imtlucca.it
+39 3334186635; +39 05834326594
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