[TYPES/announce] CFP: Systems Software Verification (SSV'12)

Gerwin Klein gerwin.klein at nicta.com.au
Mon Aug 13 18:29:46 EDT 2012

[Note: Submission Deadline is 19 September 2012]

      7th Systems Software Verification Conference (SSV 2012)
                    November 28--30, 2012
                      Sydney, Australia



Industrial-strength software analysis and verification has advanced in
recent years through the introduction of model checking, automated and
interactive theorem  proving, and static analysis  techniques, as well
as correctness  by design,  correctness by contract,  and model-driven
development.  However, many techniques  are working  under restrictive
assumptions that are invalidated  by complex embedded systems software
such  as  operating  system  kernels,  low-level  device  drivers,  or
microcontroller code.

The  aim  of  this  workshop  is to  bring  together  researchers  and
developers  from  both  academia  and  industry who  are  facing  real
software and real  problems with the goal of  finding real, applicable
solutions.  By  “real” we  mean  problems  such  as time-to-market  or
reliability that the  industry is facing. A real  solution is one that
is applicable to the problem in industry and not one that only applies
to an abstract, academic, toy version  of it. In this workshop we will
discuss software  analysis and development techniques  and tools; this
forum will  serve as  a platform to  discuss open problems  and future
challenges in dealing with existing and upcoming systems-level code.

Topics include, but are not restricted to:
      • Model checking
      • Automated and interactive theorem proving
      • Static analysis
      • Automated testing
      • Model-driven development
      • Embedded systems development
      • Programming languages
      • Verifying compilers
      • Software certification
      • Software tools
      • Experience reports


Submissions must  be made electronically through  the EasyChair system
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ssv2012)  until September
19th,  2012.  Papers should  be  up  to 15  pages  in  pdf format  and
formatted  in EPTCS  style. Additional  details  may be  included in a
clearly marked appendix,  which will be read at  the discretion of the
program committee.   All will be  subject to peer review  under normal
conference  standards.   Experience  reports  and papers  on  work  in
progress    are   welcome   as    long   as    there   is    a   clear
contribution.  Submissions which  are based  or discuss  a non-trivial
piece of software are required to make all those non-standard software
parts  available, which  a referee  may need,  in order  to  check the
claims of the submission.

Submitted papers  must not  have previously appeared  in a  journal or
conference  with published  proceedings and  must not  be concurrently
submitted to  any other peer-reviewed  workshop, symposium, conference
or archival  journal. Any partial  overlap with any such  published or
concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated.


The proceedings will be published with EPTCS (http://eptcs.org).

*Important Dates

Abstract Submission: September 14, 2012
Paper Submission: September 19, 2012
Notification: October 19, 2012
Conference: November 28–30, 2012


The workshop will be held in Sydney, Australia at NICTA NRL Laboratory.


Organizing Committee and PC Chairs
      • F. Cassez, NICTA, Sydney, Australia
      • R. Huuck, NICTA and UNSW, Sydney, Australia
      • G. Klein, NICTA and UNSW, Sydney, Australia
      • B. Schlich, ABB Corporate Research, Ladenburg, Germany

Program Committee
      • Cyrille Artho, AIST, RISEC, Japan
      • Stefan Berghofer, Secunet, Germany
      • Frédéric Boniol, ONERA, France
      • Alessandro Coglio, Kestrel, USA
      • Joe Hurd, Intel, USA
      • Stefan Kowalewski, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
      • Thomas Kropf, Robert Bosch GmbH & U. of Tübingen, Germany
      • Kim G. Larsen, CISS, Aalborg University, Denmark
      • Toby Murray, NICTA, Sydney, Australia
      • Jan Peleska, Verified Systems International GmbH and
                      University of Bremen, Germany
      • John Regehr, University of Utah, USA
      • Natarajan Shankar, SRI, USA
      • Zhong Shao, Yale, USA
      • Konrad Slind, Rockwell Collins, USA
      • Jun Sun, National University of Singapore, Singapore

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