[TYPES/announce] Postdoc position in verification at IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid

Alexey Gotsman Alexey.Gotsman at imdea.org
Thu Nov 1 11:46:34 EDT 2012

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the IMDEA Software Institute (www.software.imdea.org) in Madrid, Spain. The postdoc will work under supervision of Alexey Gotsman (www.software.imdea.org/~gotsman) in the area of systems software verification, with an emphasis on concurrent and distributed systems. The post is available from April 2013 (possibly earlier) for the duration of three years.

The candidate should have, or expect shortly to obtain, a PhD in Computer Science, preferably with expertise in verification or programming languages. He or she would be expected to develop research questions within a specific context, to undertake original individual research, and to prepare research papers.

The post is funded by a collaborative project on architecture-driven verification of systems software, which also involves the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (Viktor Vafeiadis), KU Leuven (Bart Jacobs) and Tel-Aviv University (Noam Rinetzky). The successful candidate will be able to interact with these research groups, as well as with collaborators at the University of Oxford (Hongseok Yang) and Microsoft Research Redmond (Sebastian Burckhardt and Madan Musuvathi).

The IMDEA Software Institute is located in the vibrant area of Madrid, Spain. It offers an ideal working environment, where researchers can focus on developing new ideas and projects. Salaries at the Institute are internationally competitive.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Alexey Gotsman with inquires (alexey dot gotsman at imdea dot org).

Formal applications should be submitted over the web. Please select the "Postdoc researcher" option at 
and mention the above project in your research statement. Review of applications will begin immediately.

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