[TYPES/announce] Polyglot 2.5.1 extensible Java compiler

Andrew Myers andru at cs.cornell.edu
Thu Nov 29 06:55:06 EST 2012

People thinking about trying out their language ideas in a Java context 
should be
interested to know that we have released a new version (2.5.1) of the 
extensible Java compiler. It adds some important new features:

* Support for many more Java language features: generics, autoboxing,
   enums, enhanced for-loops, and more.
* Faster compilation.
* Better support for modular AST translation between different Polyglot 

This new version of Polyglot is compatible with previous Polyglot 2.x
releases. It continues to support modular extension of Java terms and 
types, and
new program analyses.

It's at the Polyglot web site,


This new version of Polyglot brought to you primarily by:

     Owen Arden (Cornell)
     Steve Chong (Harvard)
     Scott Moore (Harvard)
     Samarth Lad (Cornell)
     Jed Liu (Cornell)

-- Andrew Myers
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