[TYPES/announce] Short student talks @ POPL 2013 (Deadline: 21 December!!!)

Viktor Vafeiadis viktor at mpi-sws.org
Mon Dec 17 10:47:50 EST 2012

POPL 2013: 40th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
Rome, Italy
January 23-25, 2013

** Student Short Talk Session at POPL'13 **

Following prior years, POPL'13 will have two sessions devoted entirely to short student talks, with a best talk award determined by popular vote. All students attending POPL are strongly encouraged to participate, and our goal is to allow as many students as possible to present themselves and their work to the community.

Suitable topics for short talks are descriptions of work in progress, thesis projects, honours projects and relevant research being or to be published elsewhere.

The best talk will be determined by popular vote and announced at the end of POPL. Short presentations should fit in 10 minute slots and we will have a few minutes after each slot for questions. Submission instructions are found here:


Important Dates:

* Talk proposal submission deadline: 2012-12-21 (23:59 GMT)
* Notification of acceptance: 2012-12-31
* Student session: 2013-01-23 and 2013-01-25

Questions may be directed to 

	Tobias Wrigstad (tobias.wrigstad at it.uu.se).

Acceptance Criteria

We strive to give as many students as possible a chance to present short talks at POPL'13. If we cannot accept all interested participants due to space or time constraints, we will primarily use seniority criteria rather than quality judgments to make decision about participation, and favour students not already presenting at POPL'13 or a co-located event over those who are.

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