[TYPES/announce] [CFP] CMSB2013 - The 11th Annual Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology

CMSB2013 cmsb13 at ist.ac.at
Sat Dec 22 07:52:52 EST 2012

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                               CMSB 2013
The 11th Annual Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology

                         23-25 September, 2013
                  IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria


Abstract deadline               8 April, 2013
Paper submission deadline      15 April, 2013
Author notification            27 May, 2013
Poster submission deadline     27 May, 2013
Poster notification            10 June, 2013
Camera-ready deadline          24 June, 2013


CMSB 2013 solicits original research articles on the computational
modeling and analysis of biological systems, pathways, networks,
data, and corresponding application domains. The conference brings
together computer scientists, biologists, mathematicians, engineers,
and physicists interested in a system-level understanding of biological
processes. It covers theory, computation, as well as applications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* original paradigms, formalisms, and languages for modeling biological
* original models together with their application domains
* frameworks, techniques, and tools for verifying, validating,
   analyzing, and simulating biological systems
* high-performance computational systems biology and parallel
* inference from high-throughput experimental data
* model integration from biological databases
* multi-scale modeling and analysis methods
* synthetic biology.

Case studies in systems and synthetic biology are especially encouraged.

Submitted papers should describe original work that has not been
previously published and is not under review for publication elsewhere.

Proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS/LNBI.

After the conference, a selection of papers will be invited to be
extended and submitted to a special issue of Theoretical Computer


Papers must be edited in LATEX using the LNCS format and be submitted
electronically as PDF files via EasyChair. The limit for submissions
is 12 pages.


CMSB 2013 also solicits poster submissions. The abstract of each poster
will get 2 pages in the proceedings. Some selected posters will also be
given slots of short talks at the conference.

We especially encourage poster submission from experimental biologists!
In order to facilitate biologists to attend the conference and present
their work, a limited number of travel stipends for students and
postdocs presenting biology posters will be available.




* Calin Guet - IST Austria
* Ashutosh Gupta - IST Austria
* Thomas Henzinger - IST Austria (program chair)




* Finn Drablos - NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
* Francois Fages - INRIA Paris Rocquencourt, France
* David Harel - Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
* Monika Heiner - Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
* Tommaso Mazza - IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Mendel, Rome, Italy
* Satoru Miyano - University of Tokyo, Japan
* Gordon Plotkin - University of Edinburgh, UK
* Corrado Priami - CoSBi/Microsoft Research, University of Trento, Italy
* Carolyn Talcott - Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, USA
* Adelinde Uhrmacher - University of Rostock, Germany


* European Research Council (ERC)
* IST Austria
* Technical Committee for Simulation (TCSIM)

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