[TYPES/announce] DisCoTec 2013: Last Call for Papers (EXTENDED DEADLINES)

Francesco Tiezzi francesco.tiezzi at imtlucca.it
Sun Feb 3 06:32:40 EST 2013

[We apologize for multiple copies]


                           Call for Papers

                            DisCoTec 2013

              8th International Federated Conference on
                   Distributed Computing Techniques


                    Firenze, Italy, June 3-6 2013


                  Important Dates and Submissions


All conferences share the same deadlines:

February 11, 2013            Abstract submission (*NEW DATE*)
February 18, 2013            Paper submission (*NEW DATE*)
March 18, 2013               Notification of acceptance
March 25, 2013               Camera-ready version
May 6, 2013                  Early registration
June 3-6 2013                Conference and workshops

Each paper will undergo a thorough process of review and all
conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the
LNCS series.


                     DisCoTec 2013 Main Conferences


The DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major
events sponsored by the International Federation for Information
processing (IFIP). The main conferences are:



 15th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages

* Co-Chairs *
Rocco De Nicola     (IMT Lucca, Italy)
Christine Julien    (Univ. of Texas, USA)

* Contribution types *
Research papers: 15 pages maximum
Experience reports: 15 pages maximum
Visions in progress papers: 8 pages maximum



               13th IFIP International Conference on
         Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems

* Co-Chairs *
Jim Dowling       (KTH / SICS, Sweden)
Francois Taiani   (Univ. de Rennes 1 / IRISA, France)

* Contribution types *
Research papers: 14 pages maximum
Practical experience reports: 14 pages maximum
Work-in-progress papers: 6 pages maximum


            IFIP Joint International Conference on
           Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems

    33rd Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems
    15th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems

* Co-Chairs *
Dirk Beyer        (Univ. of Passau, Germany)
Michele Boreale   (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)

* Contribution types * 
Research papers: 15 pages maximum
Experience reports: 15 pages maximum
Tool or system description papers: 15 pages maximum


                        DisCoTec 2013 Workshops


The three workshops co-located this year with DisCoTec are:


                             CS2Bio 2013

        4th International Workshop on Interactions between 
                   Computer Science and Biology

                              ICE 2013

            6th Interaction and Concurrency Experience


                              WWV 2013

        9th International Workshop on Automated Specification 
                 and Verification of Web Systems                  


                    DisCoTec 2013 Committees


* General Chair *
  Michele Loreti           (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)

* Workshops Chair *
  Rosario Pugliese         (Univ. of Firenze, Italy)

* Publicity Chair *
  Francesco Tiezzi         (IMT Lucca, Italy)

* Local Organizing Committee *
  * Luca Cesari
  * Andrea Margheri
  * Massimiliano Masi
  * Simona Rinaldi
  * Betti Venneri

* Steering Committee *
  * Farhad Arbab           (CWI, Netherlands)
  * Frank de Boer          (CWI, Netherlands)
  * Rocco De Nicola        (IMT Lucca, Italy)
  * Jim Dowling            (KTH, Sweden)
  * Kurt Geihs             (Univ. of Kassel, Germany)
  * Elie Najm (Chair)      (Telecom-ParisTech, France)
  * Rui Oliveira           (Univ. of Minho, Portugal)
  * Marjan Sirjani         (Univ. of Reykjavik, Iceland)
  * Jean-Bernard Stefani   (INRIA, France)

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