[TYPES/announce] DisCoTec 2013: Workshops CfP

Francesco Tiezzi francesco.tiezzi at imtlucca.it
Sun Mar 17 05:35:02 EDT 2013

[We apologize for multiple copies]

DisCoTec 2013: Workshops Call for Papers

8th Int. Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques
Firenze, Italy, June 6 2013

The DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major
events sponsored by the International Federation for Information
processing (IFIP). The three workshops co-located this year with 
DisCoTec are:


                           CS2Bio 2013
       4th International Workshop on Interactions between 
                  Computer Science and Biology

The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers in formal methods
that are interested in the convergence of Computer Science and Life
Sciences. In particular, we  solicit the contribution of original results,
from research areas, such as Mathematics, Physics, Complex Systems,
and  Computational Science that address both theoretical aspects of
modelling and applied work on the comprehension of biological
behaviour. Furthermore, to facilitate the integration of different
research areas, we encourage the presentation of main objectives and
preliminary results of active projects on the CS2Bio topics conducted
by interdisciplinary teams.

* Co-Chairs *
Emanuela Merelli (Università di Camerino, Italy)
Angelo Troina (Università di Torino, Italy)

* Important dates *
Submission deadline: March 26, 2013
Notification to authors: May 03, 2013


                             ICE 2013
           6th Interaction and Concurrency Experience

Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is a series of 
international scientific meetings oriented to theoretical 
computer science researchers with special interest in models, 
verification, tools and programming primitives for complex 

The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied 
aspects of interactions and the handshaking mechanisms used 
among components of concurrent/distributed systems, but every 
experience focuses on a different specific topic related to 
several areas of computer science in the broad spectrum ranging 
from formal specification and analysis to studies inspired by 
emerging computational models.

* Co-Chairs *
Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Ivan Lanese (Università di Bologna, Italy)
Ana Sokolova (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands)
Alberto Lluch Lafuente (IMT Lucca, Italy)

* Important dates *
Full paper submission: March 20, 2013	 
Reviews, rebuttal, and PC discussion: April 1–21, 2013
Notification to authors: April 24, 2013	


                              WWV 2013
        9th International Workshop on Automated Specification 
                 and Verification of Web Systems                  

The Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web 
Systems (WWV) is a yearly workshop that aims at providing an 
interdisciplinary forum to facilitate the cross-fertilization and 
the advancement of hybrid methods that exploit concepts and tools 
drawn from Rule-based programming, Software engineering, Formal 
methods and Web-oriented research.

Nowadays, many companies and institutions have diverted their Web 
sites into interactive, completely-automated, Web-based applications 
for, e.g., e-business, e-learning, e-government and e-health. The 
increased complexity and the explosive growth of Web systems has made 
their design and implementation a challenging task. Systematic, formal 
approaches to their specification and verification can permit to 
address the problems of this specific domain by means of automated 
and effective techniques and tools.

* Co-Chairs *
António Ravara (New University of Lisbon, Pourtugal)
Josep Silva (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)

* Important dates *
Abstract submission: March 22, 2013
Full paper submission: March 29, 2013
Notification to authors: May 3, 2013

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