[TYPES/announce] 1st Workshop on Programming Languages Technology for Massive Open Online Courses co-located with PLDI

Armando Solar-Lezama asolar at csail.mit.edu
Mon Mar 18 14:46:57 EDT 2013

Call for Talk Proposals
Programming Languages Technology for Massive Open Online Courses
PLOOC 2013i
Co-Located with PLDI 2013



Massive open online courses present a broad set of challenges ranging from
automated grading and feedback, automatic problem generation, plagiarism
detection, as well as new issues such as how to enhance collaboration 
and peer
tutoring across the web.  The goal of this new workshop is to explore how
formal methods technologies related to specification, verification, and
synthesis can be applied to solve some of these problems in the context of
MOOCS, and how these technologies can be leveraged and enhanced in the
traditional classroom. We are interested in application of these 
to a wide variety of subject domains including programming, logic, automata
theory, math, and science.

We are now accepting proposals for 30-minute talks presenting relevant 
work in
this area. The proposal should include a brief summary of the proposed 
talk and
any relevant references (those can be in a separate page). Proposals for
accepted talks will be posted on the workshop website together with the 
for the talk. The deadline for submissions is March 22.

For more information, including submission instructions, visit the 
workshop page:


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