[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers :: WIR 2013 :: Workshop on Infinitary Rewriting

Joerg Endrullis j.endrullis at vu.nl
Wed Apr 3 15:31:23 EDT 2013

                1st Workshop on Infinitary Rewriting

                     Affiliated with RTA 2013
                June 28, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


The Workshop on Infinitary Rewriting is venue for presentation and discussion 
of all topics around infinitary rewriting. We particularly welcome contributions 
on the following topics:

    * infinitary term rewriting
    * infinitary lambda calculus
    * infinitary equational reasoning
    * graph rewriting
    * applications of rewriting to infinite objects like streams
    * well-definedness and productivity of definitions of infinite objects
    * connection of infinitary rewriting to other paradigms
    * functional programming on infinite data


Submissions are short papers/extended abstract which should not exceed
5 pages. There will be no formal reviewing.

Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission page:


Final versions should be created using LaTeX and the style file
easychair.cls (http://www.easychair.org/coolnews.cgi).


Paper submission:    April 15, 2013
Notification:        May 10, 2013
Final version:       June 3, 2013
Workshop date:       June 28, 2013


The keynote will be given by Jan Willem Klop (joint invited speaker 
with the International Workshop on Confluence).


Patrick Bahr
Jörg Endrullis (chair)
Hans Zantema

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