[TYPES/announce] IWC 2013: deadline extended

Nao Hirokawa hirokawa at jaist.ac.jp
Fri Apr 12 10:28:03 EDT 2013

                          Last Call for Papers                    
                          (extended deadline)
                               IWC 2013                          
               2nd International Workshop on Confluence
               28 June 2013, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
                       collocated with RDP 2013

Recently there is a renewed interest in confluence research, resulting
in new techniques, tool support as well as new applications.  The
workshop aims at promoting further research in confluence and related
properties.  The workshop is collocated with the 7th International
Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP 2013).  
During the workshop the 2nd Confluence Competition (CoCo 2013) takes

 * submission     April 25, 2013  (extended)
 * notification   May   10, 2013
 * final version  June   3, 2013
 * workshop       June  28, 2013 

The workshop solicits short papers/extended abstracts on the following
 * confluence and related properties (unique normal forms, commutation,
   ground confluence)
 * completion
 * critical pair criteria
 * decidability issues
 * complexity issues
 * system descriptions
 * certification
 * applications of confluence

 * Patrick Dehornoy     University of Caen
 * Jan Willem Klop      Vrije Universiteit 
     (joint invited speaker for IWC 2013 and WIR 2013)

 * Guillem Godoy        Technical University of Catalonia
 * Nao Hirokawa         JAIST                             (co-chair)
 * Barbara Koenig       Universitaet Duisburg-Essen
 * Vincent van Oostrom  Utrecht University                (co-chair)
 * Michio Oyamaguchi    Nagoya University
 * Harald Zankl         University of Innsbruck
 * Hans Zantema         Eindhoven University of Technology

We solicit short papers or extended abstracts of at most five pages.
There will be no formal reviewing.  In particular, we welcome short
versions of recently published articles and papers submitted elsewhere.
The program committee checks relevance and may provide additional
feedback.  The accepted papers will be made available electronically
before the workshop.

The page limit for papers is 5 pages in EasyChair style.  Submission 
will be via EasyChair at


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