[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers- APAL special issue on formal topology

Maria Emilia Maietti maietti at math.unipd.it
Sat May 18 04:47:55 EDT 2013

Call for Papers: Fourth Workshop on Formal Topology (4WFTop)
Special Issue of Annals of Pure and Applied Logic

The Fourth Workshop on Formal Topology was held in Ljubljana in June 2012:


The proceedings of this workshop will be published as a special issue of
the Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, with the following guest editors:

Thierry Coquand, Maria Emilia Maietti, Giovanni Sambin, Peter Schuster.

These proceedings are open for high-level research papers on topics from
or closely related to formal topology, that is, constructive and/or
point-free topology including its applications and its foundations.

Submissions by email to: 4WFTop.apal at math.unipd.it
Please let us know if you plan to submit a paper as soon as possible
Deadline for submissions: Thursday, 31 October 2013

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