[TYPES/announce] GALOP 2013 - 2nd Call for Papers
Nikos Tzevelekos
nikost at eecs.qmul.ac.uk
Thu May 23 12:36:28 EDT 2013
8th Workshop on Games for Logic and Programming Languages (GaLoP 2013)
// Queen Mary, University of London // London, UK // 18-19 July //
Please note the deadline of *** MAY 31 *** for submission of abstracts.
GaLoP is an annual international workshop on game-semantic models for
logics and programming languages and their applications. This is an
informal workshop that welcomes work in progress, overviews of more
extensive work, programmatic or position papers and tutorials as well as
contributed papers and invited talks.
GaLoP VIII will be held in London, UK, on 18-19 July 2013.
It will be a stand-alone workshop hosted at the Mile End campus of Queen
Mary, University of London.
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular
interest in game-semantic and interaction models for logics and
programming languages, and applications to program analysis.
Typical but not exclusive areas of interest are:
* Game theory and interaction models in semantics;
* Games-based program analysis and verification;
* Logics for games and games for logics;
* Algorithmic aspects of games;
* Categorical aspects;
* Programming languages and full abstraction;
* Higher-order automata and Petri nets;
* Geometry of interaction;
* Ludics;
* Epistemic game theory;
* Logics of dependence and independence;
* Computational linguistics.
There will be no formal proceedings but the possibility of a special
issue in a journal will be considered (the 2005, 2008 and 2011 workshops
led to special issues in Annals of Pure and Applied Logic).
// Submission Instructions //
Please submit an abstract of your proposed talk on the easychair
submission page below. You may also submit an accompanying paper for the
// Important Dates //
Submission: May 31
Notification: June 7
Workshop: July 18-19
// Invited speakers //
• Ichiro Hasuo, Tokyo
• Colin Stirling, Edinburgh
• Viktor Winschel, Mannheim
• Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial
// Program Committee //
• Ugo Dal Lago, Bologna
• Dan Ghica, Birmingham
• Juha Kontinen, Helsinki
• Guy McCusker, Bath (co-chair)
• Andrzej Murawski, Warwick
• Nikos Tzevelekos, QMUL (co-chair)
• Glynn Winskel, Cambridge
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