[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation to ECSA 2013

Chouki TIBERMACINE Chouki.Tibermacine at lirmm.fr
Sat May 25 17:41:35 EDT 2013

(Apologies for cross-posting)


Call for Participation

7th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2013)

1 – 5 July, Montpellier, France


Early registration: Until 31 May 2013

Please note 4 - 5 July: Bicycle race "Le Tour de France" in Montpellier
Register and reserve your accommodation as soon as possible!


The ECSA conference is the premier European conference dedicated to the 
field of software architecture, covering all architectural aspects of 
software and service engineering.

ECSA 2013 will take place on 1-5 July, 2013 in Montpellier, France, and 
is organized by the LIRMM (Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and 
Micro-electronics of Montpellier, CNRS and Université Montpellier 2).

This year, ECSA is co-located with the 27th ECOOP and 9th ECMFA 
editions, providing thus a unique opportunity for practitioners and 
researchers interested in these fields to have fruitful interactions.

Apart from the three main Conferences, several satellite events will 
happen such as Workshops, ECOOP Summer School, Tutorials, Posters, 
Demos, Research Project Symposium, and Doctoral Symposium.

The program is available here: 

The program will include also three keynote talks:

- Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
"Architecture Knowledge – from Eureka! moment to established practice?"

- Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland
"I Object, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love OOP"

- Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
"Views on Concurrency Verification"

See the website for more details.

Finally, Montpellier will host, on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July 
2013, the 100th edition of the bicycle race “Le Tour de France”, one of 
the most prestigious cycling events in the world. This major sporting 
event will attract thousands of visitors. We recommend that you register 
to the conference and reserve your room as soon as possible!


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