[TYPES/announce] Looking for old CAV pictures for the website and the brochure

Hana Chockler HANAC at il.ibm.com
Thu Jun 6 17:43:11 EDT 2013

*******Apologies if you receive this request more than once.***************

We are looking for old CAV pictures to use in CAV 2013 brochures and

If you have pictures you took in CAV in the past, we would really
appreciate if you can send them to Katarina Jurik at jurik at forsyte.at.

Please state explicitly that you do not object to your pictures being used
on the website and in the printed media.

Many thanks, and see you at CAV 2013!

Hana Chockler
CAV 2013 Publicity Chair
On behalf of CAV 2013 Organizing Committee

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