[TYPES/announce] ITP 2013 Call for Participation (Early Registration Deadline June 17th)

David Pichardie David.Pichardie at irisa.fr
Fri Jun 7 16:28:45 EDT 2013

ITP 2013: 4th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving
            22-26 July 2013, Rennes, France

Important dates

Early registration deadline:17 June 2013
Conference: 23-26 July 2013
Affiliated workshops: 22 July 2013



ITP 2013: http://itp2013.inria.fr/program.html
AI4FM 2013: http://www.ai4fm.org/ai4fm-2013/programme/
Coq Workshop: http://coq.inria.fr/coq-workshop/2013


Registration and Hotel

Registration is open, visit:

For hotel reservation, visit: 



ITP brings together researchers working in all areas of interactive
theorem proving.  It combines the communities of two venerable
meetings: the TPHOLs conference and the ACL2 workshop.  The inaugural
meeting of ITP was held on 11-14 July 2010 in Edinburgh, Scotland,
as part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC, 9-21 July 2010).
ITP is the evolution of the TPHOLs conference series to the broad field 
of interactive theorem proving. TPHOLs meetings took place every year 
from 1988 until 2009.

The final programme will include 26 regular paper presentations and 7
rough diamonds presentations. It will also include 3 invited talks by
renown speakers from industry and academia and 2 tutorials. ITP 2013 has 
2 affiliated workshops. Submission to these workshops is still open. 

Invited Speakers

Applying formal methods in the large 
 by Dominique Bolignano (Prove & Run, France)

Automating theorem proving with SMT 
 by Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research, USA)

Certifying Voting Protocols 
 by Carsten Schürmann (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Invited tutorials

The Mathematical Components library: principles and design choices 
 by Assia Mahboubi and Enrico Tassi (Inria, France)

Counterexample Generation Meets Interactive Theorem Proving: Current
Results and Future Opportunities 
 by Pete Manolios (Northeastern University, USA)

Affiliated Workshops

The 5th Coq workshop 
Workshop day: July 22

AI4FM Workshop
Workshop day: July 22 

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