[TYPES/announce] Fall semester position in Programming Languages

Godfried Toussaint gt42 at nyu.edu
Sat Jun 22 19:02:46 EDT 2013

To Professors and Ph.D. students specializing in Programming Languages,

I am presently a Radcliffe Summer Fellow at Harvard University, but am a
Standing Computer Science Professor at New York University in Abu Dhabi in
the United Arab Emirates.

We urgently need for this fall semester someone to come and teach the
undergraduate course in Programming Languages at NYUAD in Abu Dhabi to a
class of two (yes only 2) students. All expenses (including business class
air tickets) will be covered, and the remuneration is excellent.

If you are interested in this opportunity please contact David Scicchitano
(the Dean of Science at NYUAD) at das2 at nyu.edu


Godfried Toussaint

Dr. Godfried T. Toussaint
Research Professor of Computer Science
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

e-mail: gt42 at nyu.edu
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