[TYPES/announce] Announcement of a professor position in software security at KU Leuven

Frank Piessens Frank.Piessens at cs.kuleuven.be
Wed Jul 3 05:35:21 EDT 2013

[The position below is not specifically targeted to type theorists, but
candidates with experience in type systems for security are very welcome
to apply! -- Frank ]

Announcement of a professor position in software security at KU Leuven

In the research group DistriNet, Department of Computer Science, KU
Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), there is a full-time academic vacancy in the
area of software security.
Depending on record and qualifications, the successful candidate will
be offered a tenured or tenure-track professor position.

The research group DistriNet (https://distrinet.cs.kuleuven.be/) has a
strong track record in the area of software security, with both top-tier
academic publications as well as a strong tradition of collaboration
with local and international industry partners.

We are looking for excellent candidates with expertise in software
security, including:

 - at the programming/code level: software vulnerabilities and the
 development of countermeasures for such vulnerabilities, for example
 in web applications, mobile applications and in cloud computing
 - in light of the software engineering process for secure software:
 requirements engineering, software architecture and modeling for
 security, security testing of software;
 - at the level of system software: security aspects of middleware,
 virtualization, operating systems, cloud systems and mobile or
 embedded systems;
 - the modeling and enforcement of security policies, including
 access control, information flow and availability policies;
 - formal methods, verification of security properties in software
 and language-based security;
 - quantitative, statistical and empirical methods for security
 - the application of security solutions in the context of
 cyber-security and cybercrime.

The official announcement of the position is available at:


The deadline for applications is August 25, 2013.

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