[TYPES/announce] 2-year competitively paid postdoc position in Denmark

Peter Schneider-Kamp petersk at imada.sdu.dk
Thu Aug 1 11:19:58 EDT 2013

(apologies for multiple copies)
(please pass this message on to interested colleagues/students)

Affiliation: Programming Languages & Verification (Peter Schneider-Kamp)
Location   : University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Duration   : 24 months
Start      : expected second half of 2013, latest beginning of 2014
Salary     : gross approx. EUR 4400 / month (approx. 3000 after taxes)

Potential Research Topics (negotiable, not a project position):
- software and/or hardware verification
- static analysis
- semantics of programming languages
- computational logic
- decision procedures
- term rewriting

For further information and the application form, use this link:

Application deadline is August 18, 2013!

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