[TYPES/announce] EATCS Award 2014: Call for Nominations

Luca Aceto luca.aceto at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 05:06:21 EDT 2013

**** I encourage members of the TYPES community to submit nominations for
this award. Previous recipients include
Corrado Böhm, Gérard Huet, Robin Milner and Dana Scott ****

The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) annually
honours a respected scientist from our community with the prestigious EATCS
Distinguished Achievement Award. The award is given to acknowledge
extensive and widely recognized
contributions to theoretical computer science over a life long scientific

For the EATCS Award 2014, candidates may be nominated to the Award
Committee consisting of

   - Leslie Ann Goldberg (University of Oxford)
   - Kim Guldstrand Larsen (Aalborg University)
   - Vladimiro Sassone (University of Southampton)

The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2013. Nominations will be kept
strictly confidential. They should include supporting justification and be
sent by e-mail to the chair of the EATCS Award Committee:

Leslie Ann Goldberg,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Oxford,
Wolfson Bldg, Parks Rd,
Oxford OX1 3QD United Kingdom
Email: leslie.goldberg at cs.ox.ac.uk

The list of previous recipients of the EATCS Award may be found at

The next award will be presented during ICALP 2014, which will be held in
the period 7-11 July 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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