[TYPES/announce] Final Call for Papers for POST 2014

Steve Kremer Steve.Kremer at inria.fr
Tue Sep 17 16:51:56 EDT 2013

[Apologize for crossposting]


3rd Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST 2014)

A member conference of ETAPS.

!! deadline for abstracts : 4 October 2013 !!
!! deadline for full papers : 11 October 2013 !!


Principles of Security and Trust is a broad forum related to the
theoretical and foundational aspects of security and trust. Papers of
many kinds are welcome: new theoretical results, practical applications
of existing foundational ideas, and innovative theoretical approaches
stimulated by pressing practical problems.

POST was created in 2012 as one of the ETAPS (http://www.etaps.org/)
main conferences to combine and replace a number of successful and
longstanding workshops in this area: Automated Reasoning and Security
Protocol Analysis (ARSPA), Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST),
Security in Concurrency (SecCo), and the Workshop on Issues in the
Theory of Security (WITS). A subset of these events met jointly as an
event affiliated with ETAPS 2011 under the name Theory of Security and
Applications (TOSCA). POST'14 is the 3rd edition, following POST'12 in
Tallinn, Estonia and POST'13 in Rome, Italy.

We seek submissions proposing theories to clarify security and trust
within computer science; submissions establishing new results in
existing theories; and also submissions raising fundamental concerns
about existing theories. We welcome new techniques and tools to automate
reasoning within such theories, or to solve security and trust problems.
 Case studies that reflect the strengths and limitations of foundational
approaches are also welcome, as are more exploratory presentations on
open questions.

Areas of interest include:

 * Access control
 * Anonymity
 * Authentication
 * Availability
 * Cloud security
 * Confidentiality
 * Covert channels
 * Crypto foundations
 * Economic issues
 * Information flow
 * Integrity
 * Languages for security
 * Malicious code
 * Mobile code
 * Models and policies
 * Privacy
 * Provenance
 * Reputation and trust
 * Resource usage
 * Risk assessment
 * Security architectures
 * Security protocols
 * Trust management
 * Web service security

Important Dates

    Submission deadline for abstracts (strict): 4 October 2013
    Submission deadline for full papers (strict): 11 October 2013
    Notification of decision: 20 December 2013
    Camera-ready versions due: 17 January 2014
    Presentations in Grenoble, France: 7–11 April 2014

Submission Guidelines

Papers submitted to POST have a page limit of 20 pages, including the
bibliography. Additional material intended for the referees but not for
publication in the final version - for example, details of proofs - may
be placed in a clearly marked appendix that is not included in the page
limit. Referees are at liberty to ignore appendices and papers must be
understandable without them.

The proceedings will be published in the Advanced Research in Computing
and Software Science (ARCoSS) subline Springer's Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series. Other general submission information, including
formatting guidelines, are available from the ETAPS 2014 common call for
papers (http://www.etaps.org/2014/etaps-2014-common-call-for-papers).

Papers must be submitted through the POST 2014 author interface of
Easychair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=post14).

Invited speaker

David Mazières (Stanford University, USA)

Programme Chairs

Martín Abadi (MSR Silicon Valley & UCSC, USA)
Steve Kremer (Inria Nancy, France)

Programme Committee

Anindya Banerjee (IMDEA, Spain)
Bruno Blanchet (Inria Paris, France)
Ran Canetti (Boston University, USA and Tel Aviv Univ. Israel)
Claude Castelluccia (Inria Grenoble, France)
George Danezis (MSR Cambridge, UK)
Anupam Datta (CMU, USA)
Stéphanie Delaune (ENS Cachan, France)
Riccardo Focardi (University of Venice, Italy)
Somesh Jha (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Ninghui Li (Purdue University, USA)
Sergio Maffeis (Imperial College, UK)
Andrew Myers (Cornell University, USA)
Catuscia Palamidessi (Inria Saclay, École Polytechnique, France)
Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Frank Piessens (KU Leuven, Belgium)
David Pointcheval (ENS Paris, France)
David Sands (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Hovav Shacham (UCSD, USA)
Nikhil Swamy (MSR Redmond, USA)
Paul Syverson (NRL, USA)
Ankur Taly (Google, USA)
Bogdan Warinschi (Bristol University, UK)

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