[TYPES/announce] Call for papers - CFV'13

Miroslav Velev mvelev at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 01:28:34 EDT 2013

Call for Papers

Eighth International Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification

San Jose, California, U.S.A., November 21, 2013.

A workshop affiliated with the IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Computer-Aided Design, November 18 – 21, 2013

Web site: http://www.miroslav-velev.com/cfv13.html

Abstract submission deadline:      September 30

Paper submission deadline:           October 7

Notification of acceptance:          October 15

Camera-ready version deadline:  November 5

Workshop date:                              November 21


Formal verification is of crucial significance in the development of
hardware and software systems. In the last few years, tremendous progress
was made in both the speed and capacity of constraint technology. Most
notably, SAT solvers have become orders of magnitude faster and capable of
handling problems that are orders of magnitude bigger, thus enabling the
formal verification of more complex computer systems. As a result, the
formal verification of hardware and software has become a promising area
for research and industrial applications.

The main goals of the Constraints in Formal Verification workshop are to
bring together researchers from the CSP/SAT and the formal verification
communities, to describe new applications of constraint technology to
formal verification, to disseminate new challenging problem instances, and
to propose new dedicated algorithms for hard formal verification problems.

This workshop will be of interest to researchers from both academia and
industry, working on constraints or on formal verification and interested
in the application of constraints to formal verification.


The scope of the workshop includes topics related to the application of
constraint technology to formal verification, namely:

-        application of constraint solvers to hardware verification;

-        application of constraint solvers to software verification;

-        dedicated solvers for formal verification problems;

-        challenging formal verification problems.


The workshop will take place in the Hilton Hotel in San Jose, California,
on November 21, 2013, right after ICCAD'13. It will be structured to allow
ample time for discussion and demonstration of new tools and new problem


Submissions should be in the IEEE style and in one of the following types:

-        a regular paper of up to 6 pages;

-        a short paper of up to 4 pages, describing an industrial

Papers should be e-mailed in pdf format to the workshop chair:
mvelev at gmail.com

Invited Speakers

-        Thomas Ball, Microsoft, U.S.A.

              Talk title: Efficient Modular SAT Solving for
Property-Directed Reachability

-        Kristin Rozier, NASA, U.S.A.

              Talk title: Application of Constraints to Formal Verification
of Software at NASA

Workshop Chair

Miroslav Velev, Aries Design Automation, U.S.A.

Email: mvelev at gmail.com

Program Committee

Maciej Ciesielski, University of Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Masahiro Fujita, University of Tokyo, Japan

Alex D. Groce, Oregon State University, U.S.A.

Sumit Jha, University of Central Florida, U.S.A.

Susmit Jha, Intel, U.S.A.

Andreas Veneris, University of Toronto, Canada
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