[TYPES/announce] POPL 2014: Final call for participation

Viktor Vafeiadis viktor at mpi-sws.org
Sun Jan 12 14:18:46 EST 2014

POPL 2014: 41st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
San Diego, USA
January 22-24, 2014


*** Reminder: POPL is starting in one week! *** 

Colocated events:

- VMCAI 2014: Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (19-21 January)
- PADL 2014: Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (20-21 January)
- PEPM 2014: Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (20-21 January)
- POPL Tutorials (20 January)
- PLMW 2014: Programming Language Mentoring Workshop (21 January)
- PLPV 2014: Programming Languages meets Program Verification (21 January)
- DCP 2014: Data-Centric Programming (25 January)
- OBT 2014: Off The Beaten Track (25 January)
- PiP 2014: Principles in Practice (25 January)
- PPREW 2014: Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop (25 January)


- The POPL proceedings are available online.

- The schedule for the POPL tutorials on Monday 20 January is available:


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