[TYPES/announce] 1 year post-doctoral fellowship in Padova

Maria Emilia Maietti maietti at math.unipd.it
Tue Jan 21 19:54:07 EST 2014

Dear colleagues,

Applications are invited for a 12-months postdoctoral position in
Mathematical Logic at the Department of Mathematics of the University of
Padua, Italy.

The call is aimed at researchers holding a PhD degree (or a comparable
research activity).

The title of the project is "From Constructive Mathematics to
Foundations: models of type theory in the Basic Picture'' and it will be
supervised by Prof.
Giovanni Sambin.

All applications in the area of Mathematical Logic will be considered.
However, preference will be given to those candidates with some
experience in constructive methods in mathematics.

The salary is about 1500 euros per month.

The applications should be sent before February 10, 2014.

For further information, please visit:


(in ITALIAN! Please contact us by e-mail if you don't read Italian).

We encourage all applicants to contact us in advance for more specific
information on the expected research topic.

Note that the applications should be sent by registered mail (with
"return receipt requested") to the address of the department. It is also
possible to use "certified e-mail".

Best regards,

Francesco Ciraulo
Milly Maietti
Giovanni Sambin

E-mails: {ciraulo, maietti, sambin} AT math.unipd.it

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