[TYPES/announce] MAP 2014 - First announcement - Call for contributions

Cyril Cohen cohen at crans.org
Tue Feb 4 18:52:10 EST 2014

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        *MAP 2014 - First announcement - Call for contributions*

	       Mathematics, Algorithms and Proofs 2014,
		Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France

			  May 26 - 30, 2014

 The conference brings together  people from the communities of formal
proofs,  constructive  mathematics,  computer  algebra  and  effective
algebraic  geometry (in  a  broad  sense).  It  is  a continuation  of
previous meeting  in Dagstuhl (2003  and 2005), Luminy  (2004), Castro
Urdiales  (2006), Leiden  (2007  and 2011),  Trieste (2008),  Monastir
(2009), Logroño (2010) and Konstanz (2012) see:


 In 2014, the  conference will take place at  Institut Henri Poincaré,
in the center of Paris, France. It will be part of a special trimester
on  "Semantics of  proofs and  certified  mathematics" at  the IHP  in


 Submission for a contributed talk consists in a short PDF abstract of
maximum one page before *Sunday  March 23, 2014*.  The submission site
is https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=map-ihp2014

 The  objective  of  the  conference  is to  bridge  the  gap  between
conceptual (abstract) and  computational (constructive) mathematics by
providing  a computational understanding  of abstract  mathematics. We
are not only interested in correct algorithms however, but also in the
mathematical clarity that these concrete presentations provide.

 Invited tutorial speakers:
* Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers)
* Claire Tête           (U Poitiers)

 Invited speakers:
* Frédéric Chyzak       (Inria Saclay)
* Alain Herremann       (U Rennes)
* Luca Moci             (Institut Mathématique de Jussieu)
* Grant Passmore        (U Edinburgh)                  To Be Confirmed
* Claude Quitté         (U Poitiers)
* Christophe Raffalli   (U Savoie)
* Ana Romero            (U Rioja)
* Noam Zeilberger       (Inria-Microsoft Research)

 Program committee:
* Cyril Cohen           (U Gothenburg)
* Thierry Coquand       (U Gothenburg)
* Henri Lombardi        (U Besançon)
* Marie-Françoise Roy   (U Rennes)
* Bas Spitters          (Independent Researcher)

 Registration and Future Announcements:
Please  register at https://lists.chalmers.se/mailman/listinfo/map2014
to ensure that you receive further information.

 Website for MAP 2014 edition:

 Contact address:
Please contact Cyril Cohen <cohen at crans.org> if you have questions.

Cyril Cohen for MAP Program Committee

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