[TYPES/announce] Position announcement in Aix-Marseille university

Lionel Vaux lionel.vaux at univ-amu.fr
Fri Feb 14 18:12:02 EST 2014

A permanent position of "maître de conférences" (more or less equivalent
to associate professor, or senior lecturer) in mathematics is opened at
Aix-Marseille university.

The hired candidate will work in the newly founded Institut de
mathématiques de Marseille[1] and is expected to do research in discrete
mathematics, preferably in logic and computation, information theory or
number theory.

The logic group here[2] was founded by Girard and has a strong
background in the subjects of proof theory central to the
proofs-as-programs paradigm: lambda-calculus, linear logic, denotational
semantics, etc. It is also active in, e.g., rewriting and homotopy,
applications to linguistics, implicit complexity, classical
realisability, concurrency and process algebras. To get a good idea of
the wider interests of the team and of its collaborations, you can have
look at the programme of the Logic and interactions 2012 conference[3].
The profile is broad and we will welcome interesting additions to the
research directions of the team.

Teaching will be in the mathematics department: fluency in french is required,
and experience in teaching mathematics is welcome.

More information is available in the announcement[4]. Also be aware that
applicants for a permanent university position in France have to hold a
so-called "qualification".

Candidates with a "logic and computation" profile are invited to contact
Laurent Regnier <regnier at iml.univ-mrs.fr>.

Best regards,
Lionel Vaux.

[1] http://www.i2m.univ-amu.fr/
      The I2M is the result of the recent "merge" between IML and LATP,
      see http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/ & http://www.latp.univ-mrs.fr/
[2] http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/ldp/
[3] http://li2012.univ-mrs.fr/
[4] http://www.latp.univ-mrs.fr/spip.php?article433 (in french)

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