[TYPES/announce] CFP: Fourth International SAT/SMT Summer School

Dejan Jovanović dejan.jovanovic at sri.com
Sat Feb 22 15:43:12 EST 2014


Fourth International SAT/SMT Summer School
Semmering, Austria, July 10-12, 2014


The application deadline for the school is April 19, 2014. Full details 
of the registration procedure are available at the school website 


The SAT/SMT Summer School aims at providing graduate students and 
researchers from university and industry with a comprehensive overview 
of research and methodology in satisfiability testing (SAT) and 
satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). The lectures cover the 
foundational and practical aspects of SAT and SMT technologies and their 

The fourth edition follows the schools that took place at MIT (SAT/SMT 
Solver Summer School 2011), at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (SAT/SMT School 
2012) in Trento, Italy, and Aalto University in Espoo, Finland in 2013. 
  The school location and schedule has been chosen to integrate nicely 
with the Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL 2014, see http://vsl2014.at/). As a 
reminder, VSL 2014 includes, among many other events:
* the 17th International Conference on Theory and Applications of 
Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2014)
* the 26th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 
* the 12th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT 
* the 7th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2014)

The Summer School program will feature four lectures per day, with the 
first two days dedicated to SAT and SMT, and the last to special topics. 
Two of the lectures will be organized as tutorials giving hands-on 
experience on SAT/SMT-based modelling.

List of invited lectures:
* Introduction to SAT, Daniel Le Berre
* Practical Session SAT, Keijo Heljanko, Tomi Janhunen, Tommi Junttila
* Interpolation in SAT & SMT, Philipp Rümmer
* Parallel SAT Solving, Christoph Wintersteiger
* Proofs in SAT and CSP, Ofer Strichman
* Introduction to SMT, Alberto Griggio
* Quantifiers in SMT, Leonardo de Moura
* Practical Session SMT, Keijo Heljanko, Tomi Janhunen, Tommi Junttila
* SMT for Cryptography & Software Verification, Chao Wang
* Hardware Verification with IC3, Fabio Somenzi
* Software Verification with IC3, Nikolaj Bjørner

A more detailed program is available at the school website 

Pascal Fontaine (Inria, Loria, University of Lorraine, France)
Dejan Jovanović (SRI, U.S.)
Georg Weissenbacher (TU Wien, Austria)

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