[TYPES/announce] CFP: 6th Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2014)

James Cheney james.cheney at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 17:22:21 EST 2014

Call for Papers
6th Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP'14)
In cooperation with USENIX
June 12-13, 2014
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany

Provenance provides needed insight into the origins and derivation of data.
Provenance provides documentation that is an essential part of data quality
assessments, debugging and search. Topics in provenance range from:
capture, storage, usage, security, interoperability. Of particular interest
are the fundamental areas that must be solved in order to make provenance a
useful and usable tool in the world today. What theoretical problems need
to be solved? What practical problems can we tackle? What lessons have we
learned from real implementations?

Workshop Format
As with the previous editions of the workshop, the Program Committee is
determined to make TaPP'14 a real workshop at which new ideas are discussed
and developed and where the participants can learn how other disciplines
make use of provenance. While the workshop will have online proceedings
(indexed through DBLP), we do not want the workshop to become another
"mini-conference" with only paper presentations. Instead, we are eager to
receive short papers and vision papers describing challenges for provenance
research, brief descriptions of new applications, pie-in-the sky research
ideas, and anything else that will create a successful workshop. While
brief and readable descriptions of research are encouraged, recycled
conference submissions are strongly discouraged.

After the submission date for these various contributions, the Program
Committee will decide on the details of the workshop format. It is expected
to be a mixture of presentations, discussions, poster sessions, and a panel
(in conjunction with IPAW'14 as part of Provenance Week). Anyone with an
accepted submission will have ample opportunity to present their ideas at
the workshop.

How and What to Submit
Submissions should be no more than 4 pages in ACM SIGPLAN (two-column)
format. If supporting material is needed, an extra 4 pages may be
submitted, but the committee will not be obliged to read them.
All contributions must be submitted online at:

The 6th TaPP will be co-located with IPAW during Provenance Week (June
9-13, 2014) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne, Germany.

Important Dates
- Submission deadline: March 14, 2014
- Notification: April 11, 2014
- Final version due: May 9, 2014
- TaPP Workshop: June 12-13, 2014
- Provenance Week: June 9-13, 2014

- Adriane Chapman, MITRE, USA (PC co-chair)
- Bertram Ludäscher, UC Davis, USA (PC co-chair)
- Andreas Schreiber, DLR, Germany (local chair)

Program Committee:
Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, LRI Universite Paris-Sud
Susan Davidson, University of Pennsylvania
Lois Delcambre, Portland State University
Irini Fundulaki, ICS-FORTH
Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp
Ashish Gehani, SRI International
Boris Glavic, Illinois Institute of Technology
Carole Goble, The University of Manchester
Todd Green, LogicBlox and University of California, Davis
Paul Groth, VU University Amsterdam
Melanie Herschel, Université Paris Sud 11
H. V. Jagadish, University of Michigan
Andrew Martin, University of Oxford
Renee J. Miller, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Paolo Missier, School of Computing Sciences, Newcastle University
Perdita Stevens, University of Edinburgh
Jun Zhao, Lancaster University
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