[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral position in probabilistic programming at Rice University

Swarat Chaudhuri swarat at rice.edu
Thu Mar 13 18:44:41 EDT 2014

Postdoctoral position in Probabilistic Programming at Rice University

The Computer-Aided Programming group at Rice University
(http://caper.rice.edu) is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher
in the area of automated analysis and synthesis of probabilistic
programs. The ideal applicant would have a solid background in
probability, logic, and program analysis, and have experience with
the development of program analysis tools.

The researcher will be supervised by Prof. Swarat Chaudhuri
(http://www.cs.rice.edu/~swarat). The duration of the position is one
year, starting August 2014, and can be renewed for a second
year. Compensation is highly competitive and commensurate with
experience. Rice University is located in Houston, Texas, the fourth
largest city in the United States.

To apply, send a CV and names of 2 references to Swarat
Chaudhuri (swarat at rice.edu).

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