[TYPES/announce] PERTEA'14: Call for Paper

Harry Xu guoqingx at ics.uci.edu
Tue Mar 25 12:44:58 EDT 2014

2014 International Workshop on Software and System Performance Testing,
Debugging, and Analytics (PERTEA '14)
co-located with ISSTA 2014
Bay Area, CA, USA
July 21, 2014

Performance is one of the key properties of software and systems. For
example, responsiveness, throughput, and resource utilization are the three
key aspects of software and system performance. Modern software systems are
increasingly complex, being implemented upon layers of complicated
frameworks or technologies often with insufficient documentation, and being
distributed over wide-range regions, on heterogeneous platforms, and within
different administrative domains, posing challenges for offering
satisfactory performance.

This workshop is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in
the intersection of compilers, programming languages, architecture,
software engineering, systems, high-performance computing, performance
engineering, machine learning, and data mining for addressing software and
system performance. The workshop focuses on developing and studying
analytic technologies (e.g., program analysis, statistical analysis,
machine learning, data mining, visualization) applied on various software
or system artifacts (e.g., requirements, designs, implementations, tests,
program traces, system logs) to address issues in software and system
performance (e.g., responsiveness, throughput, and resource utilization).
Call for Short Papers

We plan to accommodate presentations of two kinds: (1) invited
presentations from world leaders in the area of performance analysis and
(2) presentations of papers that have been submitted to the workshop and
selected by the program committee. We will invite submissions of informal
short papers with page limit of 4 pages. Authors of the short papers will
have the option of publishing their papers in the ACM Digital Library. If
authors choose otherwise, the presentations of their papers are not
precluded for future publication at other conference venues or journals.
Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 10, 2014

Notification of acceptance:  May 10, 2014

Camera-ready deadline:  TBD

Workshop:    July 21, 2014

Note: All submission deadlines are 11:59 PM (Pago Pago, American Samoa) on
the dates indicated.
Submission Instructions

Submissions must be in ACM proceedings format, 9-point type, and may not
exceed 4 pages. Word and LaTeX templates for this format are available
here. Submissions must be in PDF, printable on US Letter.

Submissions should be made via the workshop EasyChair submission site.

Each informal short paper submission is evaluated based on relevance and
interest to the workshop audience along with significance and clarity.

Workshop Co-Chairs

Shan Lu (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)
Tao Xie (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Harry Xu (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Dongmei Zhang (Microsoft Research, China)

Program Committee

Mithun Acharya (ABB Research, USA)
Shi Han (Microsoft Research, China)
Patrick Lam (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Yu David Liu (SUNY Binghamton, USA)
Santosh Nagarakatte (Rutgers University, USA)
Adrian Nistor (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Xusheng  Xiao (North Carolina State University, USA)
Wei Zhang (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Hucheng Zhou (Microsoft Research, China)
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