Sophie Tison sophie.tison at lifl.fr
Sun Apr 6 06:38:37 EDT 2014


 27th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications

This is a call for proposals  for hosting and organising RTA 2016, the
international conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications.

The proposals are to be presented at the business meeting of the joint
25th RTA &  12th TLCA during FLoC 2014 in  Vienna.  The decision about
hosting  and organising  RTA  2016 will  be  taken by  a  vote at  the
business meeting.

Information on the previous RTA-conferences is available at


A  proposal for  hosting and  organising RTA  2016 should  address the
following points:

* What is the venue of the conference?
* What are the facilities?
* Who is (are) intended to chair the organisation committee 
  (aka the conference chair)?
* Which other people are involved in the organisation?
* What are possible dates for the conference?
* What is the estimated registration fee?
* What is the estimated cost of hotels, food, local transportation?
* What are (typical) estimated travel costs?
* What are the possibilities for workshops?

If you consider  presenting a proposal for organising RTA  or have any
questions, please contact

                   Georg Moser (georg.moser at uibk.ac.at)
as  early as  possible.   The  deadline for  sending  in the  finished
proposal is June 15, 2014 (4  weeks before the start of RTA-TLCA), but
you should get into contact with Georg before that.

The RTA Steering Committee

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