[TYPES/announce] PhD opening in "Proof-Theory for Multiparty Round-Trip Global Programming" at IT University of Copenhagen (Deadline April 23rd)

Marco Carbone carbonem at itu.dk
Mon Apr 7 08:35:18 EDT 2014

Dear All,

the PLUTO (Proof-Theory for Multiparty Round-Trip Global Programming)
project is looking for excellent candidates for a 3/4-year PhD scholarship.

Successful applicants have a background in theoretical computer science,
with particular focus on concurrency theory, type theory, logic and proof


*- Application deadline: **23th April 2014, at 23:59 CET.*

*- Application link: *

- *Contact*: Marco Carbone (carbonem at itu.dk), IT University of Copenhagen

- *Scholarship*: full scholarship, including full time salary and funding
for travels.

- *Research Environment: *Programming, Logic and Semantics (
www.itu.dk/research/pls) research group @IT University of Copenhagen,

*Project Description: *Computing systems consist of several, distributed
entities that communicate by message exchange. The increasing complexity of
such systems poses a challenge on how to program them correctly. Recent
research proposed global programming, a new paradigm for preventing typical
distributed software errors, where systems are programmed with global
descriptions of how messages are exchanged, rather than giving the local
behaviour of each of their endpoints. Unfortunately, global programming
does not yet support modular development and integration with existing
legacy software. The objective of this project is to address these issues
by developing the foundations for modular round-trip engineering of global
programs, called round-trip global programming: global programs are mapped
to endpoint code, composed with existing, legacy software, and the
resulting composition can be translated back to a new overall global

**The available positions also depend on pending funding from The Danish
Council for Independent Research**

Marco Carbone
Associate Professor
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards vej 7
2300 Copenhagen

Phone: +45 7218 5067
Email:  carbonem at itu.dk
Home:  http://www.itu.dk/people/maca
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