[TYPES/announce] A PhD position in LIAFA, Paris, France: Software verification

Tayssir Touili touili at liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Tue Apr 8 05:10:36 EDT 2014

Please distribute (apologies for multiple postings):


  A PhD position in LIAFA 

Contact: Tayssir TOUILI <http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/%7Etouili/> 
(touili at liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr)

A PhD position is   available in the "Verification" team in LIAFA, Paris.

*Subject: Software  verification**

The subject of the thesis is about   concurrent programs verification.
The PhD student is expected to investigate and develop novel 
techniques,  algorithms and tools for
the analysis of  software.

Indeed, nowadays, software is everywhere: in telecommunication, in 
navigation, in nuclear plants, etc.
The tasks that software deal with  are becoming more and more complex 
and critical, in the sense that any
small error can cause huge human and/or economical damages. Therefore,  
it is crucial to be sure that
a software does not contain any error before using it.   Programmers 
need then to have rigorous
formal mathematical techniques that allow to verify and check their 
Unfortunately, programs present several complex features that make their 
analysis very complex:
concurrency,  synchronisation, recursion, procedure calls, pointers, 
manipulation of integer and real variables, etc.
Thus, the objective of this thesis is to develop new techniques for 
software model-checking that can deal with all these complex features.

*How to apply:**
The position is  available immediately. Candidates must have a master in 
computer science.
The candidate must send a CV, university grades, recommendation letters, 
and a motivation letter to Tayssir TOUILI   
(touili at liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr)
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